Home Health Challenge

Health Challenge

by Stefan Mey
Health Challenge

Most of the challenges presented on VoyageWizard revolve around the goal of walking as many steps as possible within one year. The Health Challenge, on the other hand, follows a broader approach: Here, the aim is to do something good for one’s own body through exercise and nutrition. It is not about radical measures, but rather about very simple things that can be achieved in everyday life – for example, more water and less alcohol, more exercise and less meat.

Like other challenges, the Health Challenge goes on for one year. The goals are challenging, but definitely achievable. In contrast to other challenges, we do not give you an explicit quantitative goal, but only a rough framework – because everyone should decide for himself what is best for his own health.

As always also applies here: Everybody tracks for himself and makes the records himself – after all, we don’t want to fiddle around with the challenges of data protection. And there is no prize to win this time – except the certainty of having done something good for oneself.

Et voila – these are the various points of the Health Challenge

1. drink more water

We don’t drink enough water – and that has to change. Therefore, the first goal is to drink significantly more water and thus to balance our own fluid balance. In this respect, our dietician recommends at least 1.5 litres per day for Central Europeans.

2. drink less alcohol

More water – and less alcohol at the same time. At this point, I would like to leave it up to each individual to decide to what extent he or she wants to reduce their own consumption of beer, wine and sprits. I, for one, am aiming for a halving of the status quo.

3. eat less meat

Meat is unhealthy, and animals have to die unnecessarily for it – so get rid of it. If you have already eaten relatively little meat, you may consider to eat a completely vegetarian diet from now on. I, on the other hand, must confess that I have eaten meat two or three times a day (!) so far. So in a first step we will largely ban meat from our morning and evening meals, and I will also have at least one vegetarian day per week.

4. more sports

Here, too, it is up to each individual to decide what he/she considers to be a measurable and at the same time achievable goal. I myself am ambitious here and have set myself the goal of doing at least one workout a day. In most cases, this means that I will add a few push-ups and plankings to my yoga sessions in the morning. In other cases we will of course go hiking, swimming, diving or play a good round of laser tag.

5. more walking

No VoyageWizard-Challenge without a step goal – and therefore such a goal should also not be missing in the Health-Challenge. My goal is to reach the WHO’s proposed average of 10,000 steps per day this year.

As with every Challenge, this one will run until 31 December of the current year – and as always, I’m happy about every person who takes on the tasks with me. But if this challenge does not fit into your life concept, you will find another exciting challenge via this link.

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