
Travel hack for families: the diaper purse

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Everyone knows this annoying beach situation from their own bathing holiday: Actually, you want to go together in the water, but can not leave the valuables unattended-and once the purse or mobile phone is stolen, this is more than annoying. With all the additional challenges that travel with baby brings with it, there is at least a certain relief here: the diaper hack.

Simply place the valuables-purse, mobile phone, key-in an (unused!)diaper, wrap it up and place it next to the mat. The result looks like the picture above this article, which is defintely not appealing for potential thieves – unless of course he has some funny fetish for diapers with Gacksi.

Admittedly, we have tested the hack only in dry training and not directly on the beach. But I can well imagine that it also works in the wild. It should be noted here that only those things that were wrapped in the supposed stink bomb are protected – everything else is still unprotected, and you never know what a thief feels appealing.

Just like that idiot who stole my flip flops at the beach of Goa on december 31st 2011. Because of that, I danced barefoot into the new year. I still find  this story bizarre.

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