
Corona-Rules for hiking and biking in Austria

hiking in Austria, wander in Österreich, Corona

The so-called corona lockdown in Austria has been in effect since mid-March. Although the rules on initial restrictions were sodtened in May 2020, the corona virus is far from being defeated. And in order to prevent further spread as far as possible, certain rules should also be followed when hiking or moubtain biking in the Austrian mountains. These have been jointly defined by experts from the “Alpenverein” and “Naturfreunde” in cooperation with the Austrian Alpine Association (VAVÖ).

Generallym there are well-known safety precautions, which have been extended to include “reasonable measures” in order to minimise the risk of corona infection and above all to protect the risk groups. I have copied these rules are 1:1 from the website of the Alpenverein and translated them into English. 

Basic rules for mountain sports in Austria

1. reduce willingness to take risks

Stay well below the personal performance limit when undertaking alpine activities. Consider the corona-related risks and complications during rescue operations, as well as the additional burden on hospitals. More than ever before: Stay healthy in the mountains!

2. keep distance, at least 2 m

Two meters, that’s a little over two arm lengths of an adult. Use a protective mask if, in exceptional cases, the minimum distance of 2 metres cannot be kept. Certain mountain sports activities (e.g. mountain biking) may also require greater distances (see below).

3. mountain sports only in small groups

The concrete number of persons depends on the respective mountain sport. With 10 persons, an upper limit is given. Remember that it becomes more difficult to keep your distance with increasing group size! Avoid heavily frequented tours and places.

4. refrain from usual rituals

E.g. shaking hands, hugs, kisses on the summit, offering drinking bottles to others etc.

5. take along protective masks and disinfectant

In addition to the general emergency equipment, protective masks and disinfectants shouls also be included in the rucksack for the next hike.

6. safety masks for carpooling

Only two persons shouls be transported in each row of seats, including the handlebars. Prefer to travel by public transport.

7. in an emergency as always

As a first aider, proceed according to the generally accepted first aid guidelines and additionally use a safety mask.

Special corona rules for climbing and mountain biking

In addition to these basic rules, the Alpenverein and Naturfreunde have listed the following rules for selected sports. Among others, these apply for mountain bikers and sport climbers.

A) Mountain hiking/mountaineering/ski touring/snow shoe hiking

1. implementation of the basic rules.

B) Outdoor sport climbing (climbing gardens) & bouldering

1. implementation of the basic rules.

2. disinfecting the hands regularly.

3. do not put the rope in your mouth when climbing.

4. use your own equipment: Express slings, safety gear, rope.

5. checking partners at a distance: The partners ask each other to check the knots, carabiners, belay device and harness and watch each other while doing so.

6. mocking with mouth-nose protection and subsequent disinfection of the hands.

C) Via ferrata

1. implementation of the basic rules.

2. abandonment, if there are already several on the trail and traffic jams are foreseeable.

3. consideration and waiting at the entrance.

4. choose speed, so that you do not run into other people.

5. overtaking only where the distance rule can be applied and there is no need for belaying (heels, straps).

6. leave the exit area quickly after completion of the via ferrata.

7. do not walk on via ferrata in the opposite direction.

8. use via ferrata gloves.

D) Multiple rope lengths/alpine climbing/high tours

1. implementation of the basic rules.

2. a maximum of two persons at the pitch.

3. partner check at a distance: The partners ask each other to check the knots, carabiners, belay device and harness and observe each other while doing so.

4. disinfecting hands before and after a climbing tour.

E) Mountain bike/Touring bike

1. implementation of the basic rules.

2. higher speeds require greater distances when driving one after the other: 5 m uphill, 20 m downhill and on the flat.

3. when overtaking, do it quickly and only if the minimum lateral distance of 2 m can be maintained.

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