
Freeman Murray has upgraded himself and Jaaga to the next version

If you have read my book, you will of course lively remember the stories about Jaaga – the coworking space where the Wolf and I used to live and work during our stay in Bangalore. In addition to the stories in the book, I have also filmed videos about the space itself and one of its founders, Freeman Murray. The videos are part of my YouTube-documentary, “CoWorking India“.

Now, however, it seems that Jaaga has evolved: The place has moved from its noisy location – between a crowded road and a karate school – to the outskirts of Bangalore. There, Freeman teaches young Indians the art of programming, as well as the beauty of meditation. And he rides an electric unicyle.

You can read the whole story about the new Jaaga, Freeman’s cool transportation gadget and his new clothing style in this awesome article by Enjoy!

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